When it comes to body image, there are so many expectations. Not only do we want to be beautiful, but we also want to be thin. With all these expectations, eating disorders become a lot more common in men, women and children.
Types of eating disorders:
Anorexia nervosa: Anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder that causes someone to vomit when they eat. Often, people with anorexia starve themselves and purge in order to maintain a certain body weight. Disorders such as anorexia can cause a lot of problems, such as decaying teeth and even death if not treated.
Bulimia: Someone with bulimia is known for eating a large amount of food in very little time to then make themselves vomit. They are afraid of weight gain and don't let themselves eat without throwing up unless it's healthy.
Binge eating: Binge eating is also similar to bulimia in the fact that someone will eat a ton of high calorie foods to then make themselves purge. A lot of binge eaters are ones that are depressed with life and they use food as a way of feeling better and to solve their problems. They see it beneficial because they get a high off eating the foods the love, but they don't see any consequences because they aren't gaining weight by indulging.
Over eating: Over eating is a common eating disorder. Over eating is when someone simply eats more calories than recommended daily. A person based on their weight and height should meet a certain amount of calories. Now, when someone exceeds this amount, they will often over eat and then face the consequences of being overweight or even obese. Over eating can be very damaging to a person's body.
As you can see, there are several different eating disorders one can face. Whether it's a serious case or not, one must seek help in order to get proper treatment.