?There are a lot of diet pills on the market. Some of the more popular FDA approval pills include the following prescription drugs: Xenical, Meridia and sympathomimetic appetite suppressants called Phentermine. Alli is also approved by the FDA. It is an over-the-counter weight loss aid.
Xenical became approved by the FDA in the late 1990s. This pill stops approximately more than 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed into body. This drug works to help weight loss when you combine it with diet and exercise. Xenical can have bad side effects like gas and frequent bowel movements. If you take Xenical with foods that contain fat, the side effects are more noticeable. Xenical may also lower the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is helpful to take vitamins two hours earlier than Xenical.
Phentermine is a sympathomimetic appetite suppressant. This drug is prescribed by a doctor for only a short term. It is also generally prescribed to people who are obese and became FDA approved in the late 1950s. These drugs work best if you have good habits of diet and exercise. Ask your doctor what the potential side effects are with Phentermine. Phentermine is prescribed quite frequently and is widely used because of its lower cost.
Meridia is an appetite suppressant. Meridia increases the amount of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in your brain. This lowers your desire to eat. If you take Meridia, you may have side effects of dry mouth, constipation, insomnia, headaches and high blood pressure. If you have coronary artery disease, this prescription diet pill is not one you should choose.
Alli is an over the counter medication that is used to help obese people lose weight. This drug is used to help you keep the weight too is you eat a diet low in calories. This medicine lowers the amount of fat that is absorbed in your diet. You may have some digestive discomfort with this drug.